Beachwood Featured in US Equestrian Magazine for Inclusivity Work

Beachwood’s Commitment to Building an Inclusive Barn Culture

Beachwood’s Commitment to Building an Inclusive Barn Culture

Beachwood Integrative Equine Therapy’s Founder and Executive Director are featured in the US Equestrian Magazine Winter 2022 edition for our work on Diversity and Cultural Inclusivity in the barn.

Lynne Bryan Phipps was interviewed about how to build a culture of inclusivity in a horse barn and how to manage conflicts when they arise. While some barns encourage competition between equestrians, which can become toxic; Lynne has built a Beachwood Integrative Equine Therapy barn culture around genuine horse-human connection, which in turn support genuine human-human connections. 

How Beachwood Integrative Equine Therapy supports an Inclusive Mindset

As Lynne said about Integrative Equine Therapy and the mindset it supports: “At Beachwood, which often works with children and adults with anxiety or trauma.  Reducing performance pressure is key to lowering fear… “when we learn to really listen to our horse, it’s a very different kind of listening than competing or trying to fit in…  the same kind of listening also helps build a genuine connection between people…”

Beachwood’s work helping clients with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, and PTSD, extends to a barn culture of inclusivity that supports how Integrative Equine Therapy helps horses and humans connect. 

“Helping Humans Connect at Beachwood Integrative Equine Therapy: “Ask Lynne”

Healthy human-horse connections in a community and building an inclusive barn culture is not something that happens overnight. Lynne Bryan Phipps has been building those connections at Beachwood Integrative Equine therapy since 2017.  At Beachwood we “Ask Lynne” when we need help to overcome challenges in building an inclusive barn culture.  Lynne loves helping to solve these puzzles – you can “Ask Lynne” for help too!

Check out the full article from the US Equestrian Magazine here and read about all of the amazing organizations across the country who are pioneering how barns create inclusive and diverse cultures.

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